UrbanRemix is a research project at Georgia Tech, conceived of and directed by Jason Freeman, Michael Nitsche, and Carl Disalvo. I contributed the identity system and web development for their crowd-sourced database of urban field recordings.

UrbanRemix combines location-based cell-phone technology, a database, and a web application to allow citizens to record and store sounds and images in their city and position them in a digital map. Instead of “distracting” citizens from their physical surroundings, we believe that digital media can be used to re-connect them with their dwelling spaces and help them to re-imagine these structures, turning a space into a place. Through this project, neighborhoods are re-framed and experienced anew as unique soundscapes. The project stages participants as musicians who discover the musicality of their surroundings as well as their own creativity.
Urban Remix identity system
Urban Remix identity system
Urban Remix identity system
Urban Remix identity system